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Showing posts from October, 2011

More (sorry!) Strictly Stuff

Strictly Come Dancing Week 4 I was dead keen to introduce the presenters in the style of a bingo caller (novelty prophylactic dress – Tess and someone stick his head in a noose – Bruce) The A Man however feels this may be going too far. I take his sage advice. 1) Jason and Kristina – Paso Doble So the midwife hits the floor and is slightly less confident this week, however Kristina once again delivers brilliant and engaging choreography so maybe she should have that nickname! Once again massively entertaining and a great start to the show! My Score – 8 Judges Score – (harsh in my opinion and Alex thinks it's a fix) 6,7,7,7 Sad news, the A Man has already laughed at one of Bruce's jokes and we are now “on a break” oh dear! 2) Alex and James – Rhumba My utter contempt and hatred for Bruce grows steadily with every single introduction and I know by the end of the show I will be filled with a passionate fury, why jus...

Strictly Stuff

So my lovely friend at work who knows I'm a big Strictly O' Holic asked if I fancied writing a bit of a report type thing each week after the show. I enjoyed writing it so much I decided to stick it on my blog - knowing probably only Lovely Lee, Delicious Iz and Beautiful Bevis are likely to read it but hey, it's my blog innit! So here we go: Strictly Come Dancing – BROADWAY BABY Opening Number : - Eh? Is this it? But...But its Broadway, they could do anything! Who’s the choreographer, let’s find out so I can punch them! Intro : - Once again I fail to listen to what the old bugger and the plastic lady are saying as I stare and stare at Barbie Tess’ face, there’s definitely been work done.   Oooh and now the parade of outfits at the beginning, I like this part! The A Man thinks Nancy looks HAWT, he drools a bit. I think Brendan looks HAWT, I am too classy to drool!   I think the SCD bods have seriously missed a trick on the red button commentary mal...

Into The Woods

Is finally starting to come together. I have three of the stories almost completed and they are so good I could cry. We have a new bod joining the ITW team and that is lovely chap Filip Roncone - fellow 2000AD geek! He is going to be doing the lettering for Amber And The Egg, by Nic Papaconstantinou and art by Bevis Musson. The art for this story is finished and sublime. Bevis' linework is so perfect it's ridiculous. Also joining the team is fabulous artist Andy Bloor, he has produced a really gorgeous back cover for the anthology, which I can't wait for you guys to see. Andy is also going to be designing the book and helping me stick it all together. We shall  be launching at Cardiff International Comic Expo in February, I have a table booked (and also will be co hosting the Dredd at 35 panel with the beautiful Iz McAuliffe - come and see us!) and am hoping that we sell well. It is both a terrifying and terrifically exciting thing.